How Youth Experience Community Platforms and Bad Actors Co-opt Them

We asked 8,000 youth what they experience online: They describe grooming, sharing nudes, insufficient safety tools. Bad actors exploit online communities to target kids. Learn how to safeguard your users and your platform.


Understand the risks that youth and platforms face, and learn how to protect both

Find out what youth experience online and the dangers they face from bad actors who misuse platform features to target children.

magnify-safer-iconInside the brief:

  • Trends in youth behaviors on community platforms
  • Quotes from youth on their real-life experiences
  • Tactics used by bad actors to target children
  • Strategies and tools to consider employing to reduce harm on your platform
Thorn is committed to providing resources and tools to digital platforms to help them combat child sexual abuse and exploitation at scale.

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What Youth Are Saying

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Find out what youth experience online and the dangers they face from bad actors who misuse platform features to target children.